Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spiritual Diligence

"We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." Hebrews 6:12

No one likes to be called lazy, at least I don't! Yet spiritual laziness is a real danger that threatens every Christ follower's progress. We may become lazy and so neglectful of consistent time in prayer and Scripture. We may become lazy and so lax in our obedience to Christ's commands. We may become lazy and so sloppy in our preparation for and performance of service in Christ's name.

If anything in our life calls for diligence it is our walk with Christ. The key characteristics of diligence that we are called to imitate in this verse are "faith" and "patience" (the Greek word means endurance over a long time). Keeping a vibrant faith in the living God compels diligence in seeking Him while a cold faith leads to laziness. An enduring commitment to stick with spiritual discipline and service in low as well as high times nurtures diligence and produces maturity.

Let's not become lazy in the thing that matters most so that we may fully inherit what God has promised!

Father, check my laziness and spur me toward diligence in any area of my walk with You where I've become negligent. And thank you for Your faith in me and Your patient endurance with me.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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