Monday, November 30, 2009

Walking in the Truth

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

We all know the joy of seeing our children walk in the way we taught them and the agony of seeing them stray. The apostle John felt this joy over the progress of His spiritual children in the truth. He also felt the agony of seeing some of them go astray (see verse 9 concerning Diotrephes).

Who are our spiritual children? Who is it that can bring us great joy or deep agony through their faithfulness or lack of it to the truth? May God give us many spiritual children and a commitment to help them progress in the truth.

Also, consider that this verse not only reflects the heart of John for his children but the heart of God for His children. We bring God joy or agony by our walk. May our lives bring Him joy today as we walk in the truth.

Father, keep me in the truth so that my walk may bring You joy today and use me to help others progress in the truth.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Approaching God with Confidence

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him." 1 John 5:14-15

We can pray with certainty rather than doubt if our aim is the will of God. While it may seem that God's will is a limiting factor, it is in fact a guiding force that brings us into the highest possible good. If God's will would deny us any thing that we think good it is because God desires to give us something of greater value.

What do you not have that Scripture makes plain is God's will for you? Is it daily bread, peace, wisdom, power, effective service, bold witness, inexpressible joy? All these God is ready to give if we will only pray as Jesus taught us, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). Approach Him with confidence in prayer.

Father, I am too often short-sighted seeking my will rather than Your infinitely greater will. Fill my heart more fully with the desire for Your will. Let my prayers become a confident adventure in seeking after and attaining Your will.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank God for the Victory

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Happy Thanksgiving! In the midst of counting our blessings today we are still aware of our struggles. Struggle is a good way to describe the Christian life. We are locked in a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit, between the world and the Word, between the devil and the Lord. At times it is overwhelming and victory seems elusive.
But fear not for victory is certain! Christ has already won the victory! The outcome of our struggle is not in doubt. "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). While we continue down here in the struggle, He has given us His Spirit to enable us to walk in the victory He has won. So give thanks today that "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
Father, I thank you for the victory you have given me through Christ and for the Spirit who lives in me to enable me to walk in the victory today. Help me to be a "more than conqueror" through Him.
I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Longing for Jesus and Heaven

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure." 1 John 3:2-3

The best is yet to be! We anticipate Christ's return and the transformation of our lives to be like His. This anticipation creates in us a longing that motivates growth in purity now.

Or do we actually think little of His coming and dread the thought of this present life passing away? I'm afraid that too often the thought of Christ's coming is far removed from our lives and has little impact on our present living. We love this life too much and are, therefore, unable to fully embrace the life to come. Yet that is like holding so tightly to a fistful of pennies that we are unable to receive a billion dollars.

May our longing for Christ increase so that the transformation of our lives accelerates and the joy of heaven infuses us with anticipation.

Father, I am too much preoccupied with the things of this world. Lift my eyes up to behold Christ and fill my heart with fresh longing for His presence now and in eternity. Purify me so that I may glorify Him in this world as I await the next world.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15

We can love the Father or the world but not both. These are competing loves and only one of them can ultimately possess our heart. The world is contrary to the Father and His ways. If we would love the Father we must relinquish love for the things of this sinful world. If our heart is filled with the desires of the world and our life is occupied by the pursuit of them, we will not be able to truly love the Father. Two competing loves compel us to choose which one we will give our heart and life.

Father, I choose you. I want to be a lover of you yet You know how very alluring and subtle is the world's pull on my heart. Help me to relinquish every vestige of love for the world so that I may love you exclusively and fully.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Walking in the Light

"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But we we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
1 John 1:5-7

"God is light." This is a fundamental truth about God that we must not only understand but order our life by if we desire to have fellowship with God. Light is purity, holiness, and truth. In God there is absolutely no impurity, unholiness, or falsehood. He is incapable of sin and deception. He is utterly holy.

Therefore, those who desire to walk with God must walk in the light where God dwells. If we toy with the darkness while claiming to walk with God our claim is an empty self-deception.

But who can hope to be as holy as fellowship with God requires? The one who comes to Jesus Christ for cleansing!!! If our desire is to walk with God, He will gladly make us fit for His presence and initiate us into wonderful fellowship with Him through the blood of Jesus. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1:9). Receive the light of God through faith in Christ. Remain in the light of God through faith in Christ. Walk in fellowship with the God of light through faith in Jesus Christ.

Father, you are pure light beyond the limits of my understanding or imagination. I praise and rejoice in Your utter holiness. I also rejoice in Your grace through Jesus Christ that enables me to walk with You in the light. I humbly and gratefully embrace the cleansing of His blood and fellowship with You today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?"

"No," they answered.

He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" John 21:1-7a

If I were Peter, I would have felt like a failure as a disciple - having denied Jesus (even though he was alive again!). It's as if Peter decided that the disciple gig might be up and that he should consider his options. Or he might have just been looking for a chance to get out on the water and clear his mind. Fishing had been his trade and I can imagine that he had been good at it. Trouble is, he can't even succeed as a fisherman - at least not on this particular night. How frustrated he must have been!

Three random observations: (1) Six of the disciples announced they were going with Peter. My thinking is that they were not going to let him be alone at such a down time in his life. Even if they had also wanted to get out, the end result was that these friends stayed with Peter. These men stuck together in difficult times.

(2) When Jesus told the men to try fishing from the other side of the boat, the intended outcome was certainly to help them realize he had appeared to them again. But it's also as if Jesus considered Peter's bruised ego and provided the huge catch to help him out. I see this as an example of how Jesus cares for us on so many levels.

(3) When Jesus performs a miracle, he does it up big. The catch of fish impresses the disciples so much that they make an exact count for the record book (153 large fish, according to verse 11)! It's good to quantify the things that God does so that we will remember them and can share them with other people.

Lord, thank you for your grace and care. Thank you that you do things in significant ways - 2000 years ago as well as now.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not Seeing but Believing

"Then Jesus told him (Thomas), 'Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'" John 20:29

Thomas turned from a doubter to a believer once he had seen the Risen Lord with his own eyes and touched Jesus with his hands. Although we call him "Doubting Thomas," he was not alone. Mary Magdalene and the other eleven disciples also had to see before they believed.

They all believed when they saw, heard, and touched the Risen Savior. But Jesus pronounced a special blessing on those like us who would come to believe without seeing. Through the testimony of those who saw Him, through the work of the Holy Spirit, and through the witness of the church we have come to believe and be blessed.

Father, thank you for the Scripture, the Spirit, and the church which bear compelling witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus so that even though I have not seen Him I am blessed to believe.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mission Accomplished

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. – John 19:30

There has never been a more significant event in recorded history. The Son of God was crucified. The enormity of it is beyond our comprehension. What did Christ “finish” on the cross?

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. - Romans 4:25

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. – 1 Peter 2:24

With his death on the cross, Christ did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He conquered sin, and made a way for us to be reconciled to God. Praise God, we have a Savior and his name is Jesus!

Father, I know that I am wicked and that I deserve death. Thank you for intervening. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die for me. Thank you for your grace that allows me to inherit Christ’s righteousness by faith.

Humbled by grace,

What's Your Response

"You are not one of his disciples, are you? the girl at the door asked Peter. He replied, "I am not." John 18:17

As Simon Peter stood warming himself, he was asked, "You are not one of his disciples, are you?" He denied it saying, "I am not." John 18:25

One of the high priest's servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, challenged him, "Didn't I see you with him in the olive grove?" Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow. John 18:26

As predicted by Christ, Peter denied Him three times and the rooster crowed and Peter went off into seclusion. When you are asked outside of the church if you have a relationship with Christ how do you respond? We just recently finished up a great crosswalk series called "Just walk across the room" where we learned how to tell others about Christ. Whether you are at work, school, shopping, or getting gas, if someone ask you if you have a relationship with Christ, what is your response?

Father, thank you for loving me and having a relationship with me. I pray that when I am asked about you that I will be bold and tell others about your amazing gift and ultimate sacrifice for me. Help me to respond in such a way that it honor's You!

Your Servant

Sunday, November 15, 2009


May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:21b

On the same night that Jesus and his disciples shared the Passover meal which we now call the Last Supper, Jesus prayed for himself, the disciples, and for us. John 17 is that prayer.

Something that Jesus asked on behalf of future believers − you and me included − was that we would be so devoted to him that non-believers would come to believe that God really did send him: that is, that Jesus is who he claimed to be. I don't think it's any accident that Jesus' words, "...that the world may believe..." bring John 3:16 to mind.

Jesus' prayer is being answered in our lives! And (obvious conclusion) the closer we walk with God, the easier it will be for non-believers to come to faith in Christ.

Father, help me to be a more devoted follower so that people around me will be able to respond positively to you.

Seeking to be more devoted to Christ,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

His Presence Always

"But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." John 16:7

How could it possibly be best for Jesus to go away and leave His disciples without His bodily presence on earth? It is better because from His throne in heaven Jesus has poured out His Spirit to be with and to dwell in His followers. In His earthly body Jesus' presence was limited but through the Spirit His presence is without limit. Therefore He could later promise, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

Jesus' presence with us is no less real than it was with the original disciples. In fact Jesus' presence with us is better than it was with the original disciples. He Himself said, "It is for you good..." We have the incredible privilege of His unlimited, unfailing presence with us each day through the Holy Spirit. Are you realizing the joy of His presence by walking in close fellowship with Him? Claim His presence today and draw near Him.

Father, I thank you that You sent Your Son Jesus to save me from sin and I think You that You sent Your Holy Spirit to be Jesus' presence with me today and always. I receive the presence of the Holy Spirit today and joyfully walk with Jesus.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remain in Jesus

"Remain in me, and I will remain in you." John 15:4

What an amazing invitation! "Remain in me." What an incredible promise! "I will remain in you." It is an invitation that we have yet to fully claim and a promise we have yet to fully experience.

Remaining in Christ is not a static relationship but a living and potentially ever-deepening relationship. Yesterday's remaining does not cover today's needs and opportunities. Each day calls for fresh remaining in Jesus in an ever-deepening relationship that produces new fruit.

Father, I want to so remain in my Lord Jesus and to know His abiding presence in me. Help me to more fully answer this invitation and experience the fulfillment of this promise to Your glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Really Loving Jesus

"I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me, but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me." John 14:30-31

Jesus spoke these words on the night before His crucifixion. "I will not speak with you much longer" points toward His coming death and departure from this world--the completion of His mission. But Jesus made it clear that His death would not be the result of "the prince of this world" (Satan) having the upper hand on Him. Much to the contrary, it would be because of His love for the Father that Jesus would die. Through obedience even to the point of death Jesus demonstrated His love for the Father to the world.

Earlier Jesus had said, "If you love me, you will obey what I command" (14:15, see also verses 21 and 23). The disciple's love for Jesus will be reflected in the same way that Jesus demostrated His love for the Father which is through obedience at any cost. How truly can we claim to love Him?

Father, show me any lack of obedience in my life. Convict me of any failure to fully love Jesus with full obedience to His commands. As He so faithfully loved You, help me to love Him.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Monday, November 9, 2009

"I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master..." John 13:16

As He finished washing His disciples' feet, Jesus stated this principle of discipleship. The servant (disciple) does not rise above the master (teacher) but seeks to become like him in every way.

If the master is a servant then what will the servants be? Jesus is the Master with all authority and yet He humbled Himself in lowly and sacrificial service to humanity. Have we become like Him?

Father, I have far to go in becoming like Jesus. As You hold His life before me in Scripture help me to capture a vision and passion to become like Him in humble service.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God's Glory Above All Else

"Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" John 12:27-28

As the time for His death drew near, Jesus felt the heaviness of the suffering He was about to undergo. His flesh would have cried out "Father, save me from this hour?" but His deep commitment to the will of God caused Him to cry out instead, "Father, glorify your name!" The Father would have answered either prayer from His beloved Son, so praise be to God that Jesus prayed the latter!

Jesus' attitude was that if the Father's glory was to come through the sacrifice of His flesh then so be it. Nothing was of greater concern to Him than the Father's glory because in the Father's glory was the ultimate good. When we are flesh-driven our primary concern is for personal survival and prosperity. But if we are Spirit-driven, as Jesus was, then our primary concern becomes God's glory. Have your prayers lately reflected a flesh-driven or a Spirit-driven mindset?

Father, I know in my head that Your glory is the greatest treasure but I need Your help to grow into an attitude like Jesus that says from the heart "Father, glorify Yourself even at the expense of my flesh."

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 5, 2009

For God's Glory

"When he heard this, Jesus said, 'This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it.'" John 11:4

Jesus' consuming desire was for the glory of God His Father. He saw the opportunity for God's glory in all things including the report of Lazarus' illness. And was God ever glorified as Jesus raised Lazarus' from the dead demonstrating His authority over death!

But the resurrection of Lazarus was a sign to signify a greater resurrection yet to come. So Jesus said to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believers in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (11:25-26). Lazarus' sickness did not end in death, as Jesus promised, although he did temporarily pass through death.

No one who has faith in Jesus will never experience sickness that ends in death.! We may pass temporarily through death but our end will be resurrection life with Jesus!

Father, be glorified whether in my health or sickness, whether in my life or death. You are the Lord of life and I praise you that no sickness I ever face will end in death. Help me to live the life you have given me to the fullest today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Good Shepherd

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep." John 10:11

"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me" John 10:14

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." John 10:27

Any good shepherd would go through anything to protect his flock. As I read these verses there were a couple of key points that stood out to me.

In John 10:11, Christ tells us that "the good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep." Wow, this verse is a reminder of the amazing sacrifice that Christ suffered on the cross for His sheep.

In John 10:14, Christ tells us "I know my own sheep, and they know me." Words of encouragment. I want to be known by Christ, I don't want to just know about Christ.

In John 10:27, Christ tells us "I know them and they follow me." This was the verse that hit the hardest. I have to ask myself am I truly following Christ? Many times I tend to get on the wrong trail and I am reminded by this verse that I am to be following Christ. Not easy but eternally worthwhile.

Father, thank you for being the good shepherd. I must admit, there are days when I fail miserably in following you and I confess it's because of my sinful desire to stray down the wrong path. Help me to listen to your voice and follow the GREAT Shepherd.

Your Servant

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Before the night Falls

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." John 9:4

Jesus was very conscious that His earthly ministry was only for a season. Therefore, He had a sense of urgency about doing God's work while the day was at hand before the night fell.

Like Jesus we all have seasons of opportunity to do the work of God. No season will last forever. The night will fall and the opportunity will be gone. We too must live with a sense of urgency that compels as to do God's work during the day of opportunity before the night falls.

There are days of opportunity to do a particular ministry and to touch a particular life. But when the night falls that opportunity will be passed though others will come. Then there will be the day when the night falls on our life in this world and all opportunity to do God's work here will close. While the day is at hand let us do the work of God!

Father, make me conscious of the fleeting days and the coming night so that I might do Your work with a Christ-like sense of urgency while the opportunity is at hand.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Monday, November 2, 2009

Real Discipleship

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.'" John 8:31

Real discipleship consists of living in the teaching of Jesus. The Greek word translated "hold to" by the NIV is the same word used in John 15:5 and translated "remain" or "abide." It means to make yourself at home and continue in something. Discipleship is not launching out on our own agenda with a prayer and hope for God's blessing. Discipleship is listening to Jesus' word and making our home in it. Discipleship is not merely believing Jesus' word. It is submitting to Jesus' word. Are you living as a disciple of Jesus today?

Lord, examine me and show me the true condition of my discipleship. Help me to become an attentive listener to Your voice and a faithful doer of Your word that I might be a real disciple of Yours.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sent Living

John 7

16Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me.

18 ... but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth

28 … I am not here on my own, but he who sent me is true. You do not know him, 29but I know him because I am from him and he sent me."

33 Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me.

Jesus understood that he had been sent by his Father. This understanding enabled him to remain focused on his mission and confident in the face of opposition and danger. Jesus was surrendered to the mission God gave him. We too have been sent by God (Matthew 28:18-20). Our mission is to carry the message of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20). Are you living as though you’ve been sent by God?

Father, I know that you have sent me on mission for you and I commit myself to live for your purposes.

Praying for you,
