Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Before the night Falls

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." John 9:4

Jesus was very conscious that His earthly ministry was only for a season. Therefore, He had a sense of urgency about doing God's work while the day was at hand before the night fell.

Like Jesus we all have seasons of opportunity to do the work of God. No season will last forever. The night will fall and the opportunity will be gone. We too must live with a sense of urgency that compels as to do God's work during the day of opportunity before the night falls.

There are days of opportunity to do a particular ministry and to touch a particular life. But when the night falls that opportunity will be passed though others will come. Then there will be the day when the night falls on our life in this world and all opportunity to do God's work here will close. While the day is at hand let us do the work of God!

Father, make me conscious of the fleeting days and the coming night so that I might do Your work with a Christ-like sense of urgency while the opportunity is at hand.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Mark,
    That is one of my favorite scripture. I pray that all the time I will be aware of the short time we have to share the gospel. I believe individually and one time there will be a time in each person life to respond to Christ and then there will be that day when Christ will come for the last time. I pray that all Christians will sense the need to preach Christ before that night comes. Thank you again for allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you what to teach the congregation. Love in Christ Francie
