Thursday, January 13, 2011


“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

We’re only three weeks out from Christmas—a season replete with songs, cards, yard décor, and much more, proclaiming “peace on earth” or “Prince of peace.” Well, that was a short-lived peace!

Forgive me, I could not pass up the opportunity to toy around with a play on words. And I do realize that Jesus is laying out the plain truth for those who acknowledge Him: believers live in a world that is hostile to Christ.

But Jesus really did come to do battle, waging a war again Satan to secure redemption for you and me. The point is that He was completely victorious! And because Christ has defeated sin and death, we can have peace with God.

So, you may need to make adjustments to your mental image of Christ. You may also need to see yourself in a different light. You are a warrior.

Father, give me courage in the fight.

Grace to you, Jim

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48

Just when is sin, sin?

In Matthew 5, Jesus takes on this question. He examines the accepted behaviors and thoughts of His day, contrasting them with God’s standard. With each statement He makes leading up to verse 48, Jesus closes one loophole after another, tying off His argument with, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

You and I both know that no one can reach that standard, not for a day—probably not even for an hour.

Thankfully, Jesus did reach that standard, living a sinless life so that He could bridge the terrible gap between us and God. He is our perfect Savior.

Father, I see Your perfection in Your great love for me. Thank You for allowing me to know You and serve You. Guide me to think and act more like You today.

Grace to you,

Thursday, December 16, 2010


He did evil in the eyes of the LORD. Nevertheless, because of the covenant the LORD had made with David, the LORD was not willing to destroy the house of David. 2 Chronicles 21:6B-7A

Jehoram was king over Judah for eight years. To secure his kingship, he murdered his own brothers. He did not lead the nation to follow God, and things did not go well for Judah while Jehoram was on the throne.

Certainly, God was not pleased. He intervened to shorten Jerhoram’s reign, but God still allowed Jehoram’s family line to continue to rule the nation.

At times, God’s patience with people falls into the category of astonishing. Because of His promise to David—“his throne will be established forever” (1 Chronicles 17)—God did not prevent Jehoram’s son from becoming king after Jehoram’s death. David’s line continued.

One man’s devotion to God was a source of blessing to his descendants for generations. David was that man.

Can I have that kind of impact upon my child’s children, and their offspring? It all depends on my relationship to the Father.

Lord, who am I that You have allowed me to know You? You are my Savior. Take the devotion of my heart another step closer to You today. Make me a man after Your own heart.

Grace to you,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Turn Your Eyes Upon God

"O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." 2 Chronicles 20:12

Have you every felt like you were in an impossible situation? That is exactly how Jehoshaphat felt when three powerful armies were marching against him and the people of Judah. But with God on his side Jehoshaphat did not feel hopeless. He prayed to God, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." And God came through big time! Without the army of Judah having to fire a single arrow or swing a single sword God routed their enemies. (Click here to read the whole exciting story.)

I cannot tell you that the results will always be as dramatic in your case but I can tell you that God will always come through for His people who trust in Him. If only we can learn to look to God with the honest confession, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." When our eyes are fixed on Him in prayer He will guide us through our difficulty and into His victory.

Father, You are a great God and Your works are wonderful! Help me to learn to lift my eyes to You and trust You in times of overwhelming victory as Jehoshaphat did.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Selective Hearing

“There is still one prophet through whom we can inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah.” - 2 Chronicles 18:7

Ahab did not want to consult Micaiah, and he didn't hide the reason why he didn't want to ask him either. Micaiah was a godly prophet and when he spoke for God it often went against the king's wishes. So Ahab would seek counsel from his 400 prophets because he knew that they would tell him what he wanted to hear. They were "Yes Men." Micaiah was not, he told Ahab of a vision he had that prophesied Israel's defeat and Ahab's death. (Definitely not the news he wanted to hear). Micaiah even told Ahab that God was using his prophets to trick him into a battle he would loose. But Ahab already had his mind. So they went to battle and lost, and Ahab was killed.

It does us no good to seek godly wisdom or hear godly counsel if we've already made up our minds about what we want to do. So when you pray, when you ask Christian brothers and sisters for advice and when you read the Word or listen to it being taught make sure that you are open to hearing the things God wants to tell you. Otherwise you might miss the warning like Ahab.

Father give me a teachable spirit. Help me to humble myself and trust in your wisdom. Lord, I lay down my own rights, my ambitions, my knowledge and my wisdom. Help me to submit to your will as you reveal it to me.

By His grace,

Monday, December 13, 2010


"The rest of mankind that were not killed by the plagues still did not repent..." Revelation 9:20

Repentance is the choice between death and life. In the end times some when presented with the opportunity to repent of sin and turn to God will choose death rather than life, judgement rather than salvation. The hardness of a human heart filled with pride and rebellion toward God is baffling. They are so blinded by sin that they will not see that true life is found in turning to God alone.

Enough about them. What about us? We repented in the past and are assured that we have life in Christ but what is the current condition of our heart toward God? Are you humble and responsive to God and His Word? Or is there some point at which you have become resistant and rebellious?

Father, it is easy for me to see and condemn the harness in others but not so easy to see it in my own life. Search me and bring to light any point of resistance toward Your word and work in my life. Lead me to repentance and life.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

Thursday, December 9, 2010


After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD. 2 Chronicles 12:1

King David spent his whole life seeking after God. His son, Solomon, began his rule with a focus on serving God, but drifted away later in life. And Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, turned away from God after only three years as king.

It’s so easy to let go of God when we feel that life is under control.

Perhaps—as soon as he felt his position was secure—Rehoboam felt he did not require God’s help any more. Whatever the reason, we can see that Rehoboam did not truly value his relationship with God. The inclination of his heart was revealed by his actions, and as the king goes, so goes the kingdom. Because Rehoboam abandoned God, the people followed right behind him.

Let's not fault Rehoboam entirely. Solomon did not exactly pave the way for Rehoboam to desire God in his life. The consequences of Solomon's disobedience planted a seed that grew into a tree which bore bad fruit.

Rehoboam lost sight of his God-given responsibility to those around him. Instead of keeping his focus upon God, it seems that his attention turned toward himself. He began to see the world through his own eyes—no longer considering God’s vantage point.

“In all your ways acknowledge Him” (Rehoboam’s father would have said in his earlier years). So, not only does my relationship with God make all the difference in my life, it also makes a difference in the lives of those around me with whom I have influence—my spouse, child, grandkids, friends. Only God has life under control. There’s no reason to let go of Him.

Father, whether today turns out to be pleasant or difficult, I trust You because You have all things under control. Because of this, all praise and honor belongs to You.

Grace to you,