Thursday, December 16, 2010


He did evil in the eyes of the LORD. Nevertheless, because of the covenant the LORD had made with David, the LORD was not willing to destroy the house of David. 2 Chronicles 21:6B-7A

Jehoram was king over Judah for eight years. To secure his kingship, he murdered his own brothers. He did not lead the nation to follow God, and things did not go well for Judah while Jehoram was on the throne.

Certainly, God was not pleased. He intervened to shorten Jerhoram’s reign, but God still allowed Jehoram’s family line to continue to rule the nation.

At times, God’s patience with people falls into the category of astonishing. Because of His promise to David—“his throne will be established forever” (1 Chronicles 17)—God did not prevent Jehoram’s son from becoming king after Jehoram’s death. David’s line continued.

One man’s devotion to God was a source of blessing to his descendants for generations. David was that man.

Can I have that kind of impact upon my child’s children, and their offspring? It all depends on my relationship to the Father.

Lord, who am I that You have allowed me to know You? You are my Savior. Take the devotion of my heart another step closer to You today. Make me a man after Your own heart.

Grace to you,

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