Thursday, December 9, 2010


After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD. 2 Chronicles 12:1

King David spent his whole life seeking after God. His son, Solomon, began his rule with a focus on serving God, but drifted away later in life. And Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, turned away from God after only three years as king.

It’s so easy to let go of God when we feel that life is under control.

Perhaps—as soon as he felt his position was secure—Rehoboam felt he did not require God’s help any more. Whatever the reason, we can see that Rehoboam did not truly value his relationship with God. The inclination of his heart was revealed by his actions, and as the king goes, so goes the kingdom. Because Rehoboam abandoned God, the people followed right behind him.

Let's not fault Rehoboam entirely. Solomon did not exactly pave the way for Rehoboam to desire God in his life. The consequences of Solomon's disobedience planted a seed that grew into a tree which bore bad fruit.

Rehoboam lost sight of his God-given responsibility to those around him. Instead of keeping his focus upon God, it seems that his attention turned toward himself. He began to see the world through his own eyes—no longer considering God’s vantage point.

“In all your ways acknowledge Him” (Rehoboam’s father would have said in his earlier years). So, not only does my relationship with God make all the difference in my life, it also makes a difference in the lives of those around me with whom I have influence—my spouse, child, grandkids, friends. Only God has life under control. There’s no reason to let go of Him.

Father, whether today turns out to be pleasant or difficult, I trust You because You have all things under control. Because of this, all praise and honor belongs to You.

Grace to you,

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