Thursday, December 2, 2010


“But will God really dwell on earth with humans? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!” 2 Chronicles 6:18

We’re currently in the season of Advent, so I perceived King Solomon’s question differently than did the people he was addressing—but in either case, the answer is “Yes!”

For King Solomon and his audience, the setting is a grand religious ceremony: it’s the dedication of the magnificent temple Solomon has just completed for God—in other words, God’s house. Solomon’s speech for this occasion is well crafted. His question is rhetorical, emphasizing the wonderful truth that the God who created everything (and who has a purpose for His creation) has chosen to be with His people—to be known by them.

Back to Advent.

Yes, God really did dwell on earth with humans—and as a human. The highest heavens cannot contain Him, yet God was able to fit all of Himself into just one body!

If you’re trying to imagine the physical transformation in size (How did He do that?), remember that He came as a newborn. If you’re wondering at the reason (Why did He do that?), consider that He chose to be born in a less than desirable place and time: a stable in winter, an insignificant village in a primitive era, troubled Israel in the days of the Roman Empire.

God is consistently Himself. The wonderful truth remains that the God who created everything (and who has a purpose for His creation) has chosen to be with His people—to be known by them.

Father, I am so amazed at Who You Are. I am so grateful that You enable us to know You as God and Savior, and I thank You that now Your Spirit is with us. Bless this day that I may know and love You more completely.

Grace to you,

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