Monday, December 6, 2010

Glorious God

"At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne." Revelation 4:2-3

John was allowed to see a magnificent vision of God. Once you have seen God how do you describe the indescribable to those who have not seen Him? This was John's challenge. He sought for the best words to describe the glory. Striking and costly jewels and radiant light were as close as he could come to communicating the glory of the holy, eternal, almighty God on His throne in heaven.

No doubt every human word is insufficient to describe God's glory and every created thing used in comparison to the Creator will ultimately fall short. But even though God is more than words or images can communicate if we do not think on God's greatness as far as our minds and words can stretch we will have far too low a view of God. Contemplate the greatness of His glory as John presents it to us in this chapter. Contemplate His glory until you are overwhelmed with His greatness. Then do the best you can to tell others what You have seen and so make His glory known.

Father, stretch the limits of my mind and vocabulary so that I may more fully know the unknowable and describe the indescribable magnificence of Your glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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