Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seeking His Presence

"Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple of God."
2 Chronicles 5:13b-14

The temple Solomon built was a marvelous structure. It took seven years to complete. It was an architectural marvel built with materials worth millions of dollars. In addition to the building the priests were well organized to lead the services of worship within the temple. But the most magnificent feature of the temple was not to be found in the architecture, materials, organization, or services. The most magnificent feature was the manifest presence of God in the cloud of glory. A marvelous building without God's presence would have been a hollow monument. A well planned and well led service without the presence of God would have been ultimately an empty exercise. It was the presence of God that made all the difference.

There is always a danger that our emphasis will be misdirected to buildings, plans, organization, and projects rather than to seeking the presence of the living God. We can have beautiful buildings and well-run ministries and smooth services but if God is not present what does it really matter? We must not be content with fine facilities, good organization, and well planned services. We need to hunger for the presence of the living God and seek after Him with all our hearts.

Father, help me not be content with the trappings of church and Christianity without Your burning presence in my life and our church. Fill me with a hunger that will be satisfied with nothing less than Your manifest presence. Help me to seek You earnestly today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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