Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; - Jude 22-23
These verses offer valuable instruction about how we should relate to people who may be far from God. When someone is uncertain about what they should believe we should patiently love and pray for them to know the truth of Jesus, not grow frustrated with them because of their unwillingness to commit their lives to Christ.
The word picture provided in the first half of verse 23 is captivating. Can you imagine yourself reaching out to snatch someone from imminent doom? That's what happens when God uses us to bring someone to faith in Christ. But what if we don't "snatch" them? What happens then? The reality of hell is very real. "Snatching" requires action. We can help remove people from the path that leads to destruction, but we have to get up and do something.
Lord, I know that you've sent me on a rescue mission. You want to use me to save people from hell. Show me what I can do today to help "snatch" someone from the fire.
By His grace,
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