Thursday, November 11, 2010


"You made your people Israel your very own forever, and you, O LORD, have become their God." 1 Chronicles 17:22

Looking back over the Old Testament—seeing the big picture—the story of God's relentless pursuit of His chosen people is hard to miss. The ins and outs, the ups and downs, all are wonderfully and painfully evident. All of this was God’s process of putting His stamp upon the nation of Israel: His people, their God.

Today, God is pursuing you and me. We become His child in an instant, but the process of growing up as God’s very own takes a while. Chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation (1 Peter 2:9) kind of transformation can take a lifetime. And while God is completely able to effect this change in us, the best part is that we are His forever!

Who wouldn’t want to be His forever, for He has become our God—more and more precious to us with each passing day.

To put it another way, God becomes even more our God as we draw closer to Him. We’ve got all of God from the start, but we discover and own more of God as we follow Him. He is our God, but in a deeper, more fulfilling way—and then we crest the next hill on this God pilgrimage and our jaws drop at the sight of how much more of God we find there (that we had not realized could even exist)!

The more completely we become His, the more God we realize Him to be.

O Lord, You are my God. I ask that You would continue to transform me as Your very own, and in that process become my God more and more completely.

Grace to you,

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