Sunday, September 6, 2009

More than Truth

"What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 1:13

Orthodoxy, "sound teaching," is of extreme importance. We must know, stand firm in, and correctly teach the truth of God. But by itself orthodoxy can become dead and cold religion. Sound teaching must be kept in company with "faith" and "love."

A living and sincere faith (see 1:5) in the God revealed in sound teaching is essential. We must not merely believe the truth but we must believe deeply in the God of truth. And coupled with faith must be love for God and people. We must love those with whom we speak God's truth--caring for their soul and not merely for their confession of orthodox truth.

Father, let me not stray from the truth but neither let me hold the truth without sincere faith and genuine love in Christ Jesus.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. Not sure if you are referring to big "O" in Orthodoxy or little "o" in orthodoxy.

  2. That is little "o" as in sound doctrine. Not big "O" as in the Orthodox Church as a denomination.

    Pastor Mark
