John's vision recorded in the book of Revelation serves a sobering reminder that judgment is coming. Those of us who have put our faith in Christ can face that judgment with hope and confidence because we are co-heirs with Christ. But those who have not trusted in Him will forever be separated from Him in hell. The weight of that truth is staggering. Every person who does not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ will be condemned to the lake of fire. There will be no second chance. No opportunity to recant. No changing your mind.
A proper understanding of the coming judgment helps us to see -
- The need to tell others about Christ.
- The grave consequences of unbelief.
- The enormity and power of the grace of God.
Father, my heart is both joyful and burdened. I am joyful because I know that I am your child and that great things await me in heaven, but I am also sad because of how many people I know who haven't placed their faith in you yet. I fear that they will not come to know you as savior and they will suffer eternally. Father use me to draw many souls to you.
Good Morning Matt, Thank you for the reminder of what is going to happen on that Great and terrible day. Great for those that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, but terrible for those who have not. I pray with you also that all believers we be compelled to tell others about the saving Grace of Christ and hopefully many will repent and be saved. Love in Christ Francie