Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Lord of Glory

"His face was like the shining sun in all its brilliance." Revelation 1:16

When you think of Jesus how do you picture Him? As a lowly carpenter in sandals? Or do you see Him as John describes him in this vision recorded in Revelation 1:12-18?

Praise God that Jesus entered into our world as a babe in manger, walked upon our earth as a humble carpenter, and gave His life on the cross as a suffering servant! But we must realize that He is now exalted, glorified, and reigning. When we pray we speak to the Lord of heaven and earth who is clothed in majesty and possesses all authority. His eyes see all, His Word is powerful, and His hands hold His servant fast.

As we celebrate Christmas be thankful for Christ's humble humanity but worship Him in His glorious majesty.

Savior and Glorious Lord Jesus, thank you for your humble sacrifice on my behalf and help me to see You more and more in Your present glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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