Monday, December 14, 2009


"The rest of mankind that were not killed by the plagues still did not repent..." Revelation 9:20

Repentance is the choice between death and life. In the end times some when presented with the opportunity to repent of sin and turn to God will choose death rather than life, judgement rather than salvation. The hardness of a human heart filled with pride and rebellion toward God is baffling. They are so blinded by sin that they will not see that true life is found in turning to God alone.

Enough about them. What about us? We repented in the past and are assured that we have life in Christ but what is the current condition of our heart toward God? Are you humble and responsive to God and His Word? Or is there some point at which you have become resistant and rebellious?

Father, it is easy for me to see and condemn the harness in others but not so easy to see it in my own life. Search me and bring to light any point of resistance toward Your word and work in my life. Lead me to repentance and life.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

P.S. If you want to continue the First Light Bible reading journey in 2010 pick up a reading guide at the welcome desk in the Worship Center. We will read the first half of the Old Testament and the entire New Testament. You can read one or the other if you desire a more streamlined approach.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, I believe that is a trap that we older Christians fall into. I have been saved for about 34 years and sometimes I want to allow myself to be hard hearted and prideful. I thank God for His word that serves to humble me and let me know that any good that I do and all that I am its all because of Him. Love in Christ and Merry Christmas
