Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rich Fellowship

"And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.'" Revelation 21:3

Revelation 21 paints an amazing picture of heaven as a place of utter beauty and glorious perfection. It's gates are made of pearl, it's streets are paved with gold, it's foundations are made of the most precious gems. As notable as the building materials is what will not be present in heaven. There will be none of the unbelieving, vile, immoral, impure things we encounter daily in this world. But the most remarkable thing about heaven will be the presence of God. As God had once dwelt openly with Adam and Eve in the garden He will dwell with us in heaven. "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face" (1 Corinthians 13:12)!

That which makes heaven "heaven" is God openly present in fellowship with His people. We have a foretaste heaven now every time we become keenly aware of God's presence in our life and enjoy rich fellowship with Him. As great as these occasional experiences of God may be they will pale in comparison to the experience we will have in heaven. Prepare for heaven someday by walking with God today. "One day Jesus will call my name. As days go by I hope I don't stay the same. I want to get so close to Him that it is no big change on that day that Jesus calls my name" (Wayne Watson).

Father, how great are the moments of intimate fellowship that I enjoy with You in these days of my earthly journey. Each one is a rich foretaste of an even greater fellowship that I will enjoy with You in heaven my eternal home. Increase the richness of my present fellowship with You and increase my anticipation of eternal fellowship with You in heaven's glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, Thank you for painting that wonderful picture of our eternal Home with God. "May the things of this earth grow strangly dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace." I pray that I also long for His coming and that I will long for others to share in that day. I pray that my heart will be broken as I seen unbelivers headed into a eternity away from our Great and loving Heavenly Father. I pray He make us all wise fishermen. LOve in Christ Francie
