Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In His Steps

"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21

"To this you were called" refers to doing good (God's will) at any cost, even suffering. Christ suffered in order to do God's will, which was our salvation. While obedience may cost us, we have the example of Christ suffering in God's will to inspire and strengthen us. Our call then is to "follow in his steps."

The phrase "in his steps" inspired a novel of that title written by Charles M. Sheldon in 1896. The novel inspired the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) craze in the 1990s. Both the novel and the WWJD movement remind us of our calling to imitate Jesus by following in His steps even when it requires suffering. Will you follow at any cost?

Father, help me to walk in the footsteps of Jesus by obeying your will at any cost today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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