Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not Your Average Blog Entry

"But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband....for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." 1 Corinthians 7:2, 9

Sex is not a dirty word. The sexual relationship is God's beautiful creation to be enjoyed in the context of marriage. Outside of marriage abstinence is God's plan. Inside the marriage "one flesh" is God's plan. Many problems occur in our society from reversing God's plan in either case. I read an author recently who suggested young people are waiting too long to get married and this is the cause of much sexual immorality in our culture. When we delay marriage for careers, bank accounts, luxuries, etc. we put ourself in a position to either prolong abstinence or compromise God's plan. Only a few are called to extended abstinence the rest are called to intimacy and procreation in marriage. Let's appreciate, honor, and teach the appropriate attitude and practice of God's gift.

Father, I thank you that you have created all things for Your glory and our blessing. Help me to value the gift of sexual intimacy, to honor You in my private life, and to responsibly teach the next generation Your ways.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. No matter how many times I read a passage-I never feel as if "I know it all" I have been trying to understand the message here-is it fair to say that my friend who I know believe in Jesus Christ, but is married to a man that grew up in church but has since decided it is not what he believes, is he santified through her salvation? Can I tell her this as truth. I am uncertain because I have often wondered, why does it say-To the rest, I say this (I, not the Lord). I have it circled in my Bible from years ago and I keep wondering-is this a message from God or man? I thought what better place to finally seek the answer than this blog-I know it seems that most of the comments here are full of insight and teach additional lessons to the ones already here-but I seek this answer-is this a truth I can offer my friend? Is it from God?

  2. You have to understand that sanctified does not mean saved in this case. Verse 16 still holds out the hope that through their marriage relationship the unsaved spouse will be saved. After some of the Corinthians became Christians they felt they should leave their unbelieving spouses in order to be holy. Paul told them that they should not but that their relationship was still holy in God's sight and that their children could still be blessed.

    In verse 10 the command Paul gives is based on a direct command of Jesus recorded in the Gospel. The instruction he gives in verse 12 is not based on a direct word from Jesus recorded in the gospel. This does not make it any less inspired Scripture it only means that he could not quote Jesus on the matter. It is still an inspired word from God as are all the other New Testament writings that are not direct quotes from Jesus.

    In Christ,
    Pastor Mark
