Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dead? or Alive!

"Instead, they had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive." Acts 25:19

The above is the Roman Governor Festus' explanation of the charges the Jews were bringing against the Apostle Paul. To many people in our day Jesus is a dead man but to us who know Him He is alive. But do we who know better at times live as if Jesus were dead? We admire Him, honor Him, follow His teachings, and carry on His work but do we believe and embrace His living presence with us? Jesus is not only a figure of the past whose life guides us. He is a living Savior who is ready to walk with us and work among us. He is alive! Don't live as if He were dead.

Lord Jesus, You are living and You are here. Help me to know only believe it and proclaim it but to experience Your living presence daily as I walk with You in faith.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Mark,
    I( beginning to find out that the longer I walk with God the sweeter it gets. The word said, " if you seek him with your whole heart you will find Him. I'm so glad that sometimes it seems that He hides himself, and with that in mind I will seek him with all my heart and strength. God is past finding out, so he humbles himself so that little ole me can find him. Wow what a wonderful Savior and God. May we all know Him Love in Christ Francie
