Thursday, May 14, 2009

Calm in the Storm

"Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, 'Do not be afraid, Paul, you must stand trial before Caesar, and God has graciously given You the lives of all who sail with you.'" Acts 27:23-24

When their ship was threatened by intense storms, sailors and soldiers panicked but God's servant remained calm. Paul was calm in the storm because of the presence and promise of God. He was able to lead and encourage others out of his faith in God. "Storms" provide the true test of our relationship with God. It is easy to have faith when sailing is smooth, but when the waters of life become rough can we be calm in God because we rely on His presence and trust in His promise? Can we be used of God to serve others as we pass through the storm?

Father, I want to live so close to You that I can be as calm and useful to You in the storm as on smooth waters. Draw me closer today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. Good morning Pastor Mark,
    It is truly comforting to know that as we head into spiritual and financial crisis in our country our Heavenly Father is steering the boat, he is at the helm. My heart would fear if I didn't know and beleive that I would see the hand of God in the midst of this. If we know that we have an assignment from God to share the mystery of salvation(Jesus Christ) we can rest assured that He will keep us until our work on earth is done. May we all be like Paul and say to others also, "Do not be afraid,..." Love in Christ Francie

  2. Many of the other apostles, prophets and or disciples of the New Testament comes to my mind in Chapter 27. Paul's sufferings and persecutions for the sake of Christ are more noted than any other. His due dilingence and trust in the Lord no matter what is unwavering, anchored in these words of security "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" [MATT 28:20b] or "He will not leave you or forsake you" [DEUT 31:8b]. This is only one of the events in Paul's life whereby God's truth is revealed in these words. Paul's obedience to the Lord, faith and lack of fear is that striking example of committment the Lord is seeking and expects from every true believer.

    Dear Lord in the face of all uncertainty and evil, I pray for the courage that I will always confess or speak the same things Your powerful and living words commands.
