Sunday, March 1, 2009

Last Days Agenda

"And the gospel must first be preached to all nations." Mark 13:10

In Mark 13 Jesus discussed two cataclysmic events with His disciples--the destruction of Jerusalem (occurred in 70 A.D.) and His second coming (yet to occur). In the context of this discussion Jesus made His "last days" agenda clear--the gospel must be preached to all nations. Christ followers are to be about the business of spreading the good news to the nations. Such a great and certain event as the coming of Christ calls forth not only our personal readiness ("Watch!" v.37) but also our committed effort to lead others to readiness through the spread of the gospel.

Father, may the agenda of my Lord truly become my own agenda. Where my personal agenda diverts from His let mine perish and His prevail. Grant to me a true missionary heart that desires and seeks the spread of the gospel and the salvation of souls.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. The disciples admired the Temple building as they left and Jesus told them that in time to come there would not be one stone left on another. This peaked their appetite for more signs of the end. As they set on the Mount of Olives, Jesus shared with them about what the end time would look like. He told them to be on guard for many would try to destroy them and lead them astray. They would have great opportunities to witness and the Holy Spirit would give them what they needed to say, when they needed to say it. After He tells them more signs, He warns them again to be on guard. Be on guard and keep watch for the time will come unexpectantly. Be faithful and watch.

    Reflective Question ~ Are you as watchful as you need to be?
