Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Abrupt Ending?

"Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." Mark 16:8

There is some debate over the ending of Mark. The best available ancient copies of the Gospel end at verse 8. Verses 9-20 seem to have been written by someone other than Mark at a much later date to try to "smooth out" the seemingly awkward ending that verse 8 leaves us with. The other Gospel writers give us resurrection appearances and post-resurrection teachings of Jesus to His disciples. But Mark just leaves us with the angel's announcement, an empty tomb, and bewildered women. It's like Mark is saying, "Instead of me telling you the rest of the story just stop and think about!" Sometimes we need to be jolted into deeper thought so that God can speak the truth deeply into our life. Think about it!

Father, help me to ponder the meaning of an empty tomb under the guidance of Your Spirit so that it's truth may be more deeply embedded in my life.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Mark 16 ~ I love it that the Angel mentioned Peter specifically in verse 7. Even though he had denied Jesus, Jesus still had a hand out to him. Unbelief seems to shadow the rest of the disciples. Even with eye-witness reports many refused to believe. Jesus’ appearance changed these beliefs. As Jesus gives His last words to His disciples, one can only wonder how their faith had met sight and an unexpectant world would soon see a committed, determined, and passionate army move the foundations of a lost world.. As He was taken up from them, they moved into action.

    Reflective Question ~ Can you see Jesus’ hand reaching out to you and calling your name?
