Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Got Rhythm?

"Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two.... Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'.... After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray."
Mark 6:6-7, 31, 46

Jesus had a keen understanding of the need for balance in the human life. He taught the disciples to develop the proper rhythm of work and rest, service and prayer. Service without rest and prayer wears us down. Rest and prayer without service makes us fat. In the balance and rhythm of these essential Christian activities we find health and effectiveness.

Father, help me to learn the Christ's rhythm of rest and prayer on the one hand and work and service on the other so that I may enjoy the health and effectiveness that you desire.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. In Mark 6:23, when Herod promised Herodias' daughter anything she wanted just because her dancing pleased him and his chief officials, I think he made a rash statement that he later came to regret. I think we should all learn from his mistake - we should use and choose our words cautiously. Many times, sad to say, I have said things that later I wish I had not said, that if I had only thought just a little prior to making whatever statement that ended up coming back to haunt me (or hurting someone else), I probably would not have said in the first place. That's what happened with Herod. God is in control ultimately, but many times we would not have to suffer the consequences of our words or actions if we weren't so hasty in speacking or acting.

    God's word tells us to be quick to hear but slow to speak!

  2. Jesus returned to His home town only to find so little faith that He did not do many miracles there. In fact, He was amazed at their lack of faith. This prompted Him to visit village to village with His disciples. He gave power and instructions to His disciples as to how they were to conduct their ministry. They saw many miracles at their hands and reported the same to Jesus. By now Jesus is becoming well-known. King Herod was particularly interested for he thought that John the Baptist, who he had beheaded, had risen. The grudges and bitterness of Herodias, Herod’s wife, had resulted in the vengeful death of the prophet. When Jesus’ disciples had returned from their assignments and Jesus was told of John’s death, Jesus took His disciples off to a quite place. The crowd went ahead of them and were waiting for them when they arrived. As the day was late and the people, (over 5,000) had not eaten, Jesus asked His disciples to give them food. Only 5 small loaves and 2 small fish were found. As He organized the crowd and blessed the provisions, another miracle was seen in their midst. His compassion would not let them suffer. Twelve baskets of fragments were collected. Immediately afterwards, Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him by boat to Bethsaida. Now, He dismissed the crowd and went up into the mountainside to pray. How interesting , that the crowds followed Jesus everywhere except to pray. How much more beneficial an hour with Jesus in prayer would have been than a meal. Jesus demonstrated preparation (prayer) on both sides of performance. What a lesson for us.
    The disciples have lost sight of Jesus but Jesus could see them. They were having trouble rowing across the lake because of the contrary winds. Jesus then walked on the water to catch up with them. Hearing their fear, Jesus calmed them and the wind. As they landed, many came to be healed. As many as touched Him were healed. Jesus had been amazed at the lack of faith of His hometown. The disciples were amazed when Jesus approached them walking on the water. Their amazement only proved that they had not yet fully come to understand who Jesus is. If they had believed He was the Son of God, they would not have been amazed at His powers.

    Reflective Question ~ We know that Jesus is the Son of God, yet why are we often amazed that Jesus would answer our prayers?
