Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are You Ready?

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." Matthew 23:42

Our life is to be lived in expectation of and preparation for a certain event that will take place at an unknown time. Jesus is coming! Would today be a good day in your life for Him to return? We live everyday before His eyes and will one day stand in His presence. Therefore, we need to live everyday ready to welcome Him so that we may hear Him say to us, "Well done!"

Father, help me to keep in my mind and heart an anticipation of Christ's return that will shape my day to day living.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Most of us want to know what is coming next. The disciples were no different. They had traveled with Jesus long enough that they knew that He had the answers. When He told them that not one stone of the Temple will be on another stone, it sounded like him talking to the fig tree. Their conversation suggested they had no reason to disbelieve; they just wanted to know when the end would come. With this He told them of the signs of the time which sound much like the conditions of our day. Jesus told them to be faithful, to stand fast and the gospel of the kingdom will be preached to the whole world...then the end will come. There will come signs in the heavens, false prophets, teachers, and some that will say they are the Christ. But, when the Son of Man comes all will be able to see Him coming in the sky. When you see all these signs you will know that the end is near. The Father is the only one that knows the hour and the day. His advice to His disciples is also the advice we need: Be vigilant, and keep watch for you do not know when the Lord will return. Be a faithful and wise servant. These words should stir us to be faithful in the task that God has given each of us. I think there is more than a hint that we should also be watchful and discerning in the times we are living. Things will get worse in the end, but we do not have to get worse with them. The wicked will be punished, the faithful will be gathered to be with God, and Believers need to live in obedience to God now.
