Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Walking against the Current

"Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at that time, and he walked in close fellowship with God." Genesis 6:9 NLT

Noah walked against the current of his day. While all men were filled with a wickedness that grieved the heart of their Creator, Noah was filled with a righteousness that caused God to look on him with favor. Noah walked with God while others were walking away from God. Noah was saved through faith and obedience to God while others perished. God was able to use Noah to accomplish His purposes because Noah was different than the world.

Though not all are wicked in our day to walk with God still requires walking against the current of contemporary culture. We must have faith in God and be willing to obey Him without question as Noah did. It is often a difficult walk that doesn't make sense to the world around us and opens us to ridicule from those who are perishing. But the one who walks with God will be used by God, saved from perishing, and given life with God. How great are the rewards of faith and obedience! Keep walking with God against the current.

Father, when you look on my life I want you to see a person who stands out as righteous in a corrupt world, a person who walks in close fellowship with you when others are walking away. Grant me the grace to be such a person for it is only by your grace that I can.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. Heloo Pastor Mark, I will speaking this weekend at the prison and one of points that I will come is perserverance. During my own personal study of this I'm asking the Father to help me to stand for Him with courage as the world seem to be falling away from Him and hopefully we can stand as light and salt and therefore create a thirst in the hearts of others.(I enjoyed your father's sermon sunday). I love Jesus Francie

  2. Francie, I'll be praying for you as you speak. May God help us all to stand for Him in a world that is falling away and through us draw some to Himself.
    Pastor Mark
