Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God Over Our Mess

"Then God remembered Rachel's plight and answered her prayers by giving her a child."
Genesis 30:22 NLT

The story of Jacob's family (two wives competing for his affection, two concubines caught in the middle, twelves sons and a daughter born as a result) could give any modern day reality TV show a run for its money. But in the midst of this mess there is a wonderful note of grace. Rachel who had been barren cried out to God for a child. God in mercy heard her cry and gave her Joseph. As we will see later in the story Joseph became God's choice servant to save the descendants of Abraham from a severe famine. In the midst of this tragic story God was present and active carrying out His purpose as He had promised Abraham He would do.

Sometimes our lives may seem like a candidate for reality TV or just that things are spinning out of control. But we too can trust that God is faithful and even in the midst of messes we have made He shows grace and will carry forth His purpose as promised. This is not to encourage us to keep making messes but rather to encourage us to look up from our mess to the God who can redeem us through His amazing grace.

Father, I thank You for grace greater than my sin. I praise You as the God who works redemptively in the midst of man-made messes. Open my eyes to see how You are graciously working in my story today and draw me closer to Your side.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, Thank you again for reminding us of the Hope we have in Christ Jesus. Sometimes our life choices really wreck havoc in our lives, but the greatest Hope is that Jesus can weave this horrible consequences into something beautiful in His hands alone. God bless you and have a wonderful day as God continue to use you to strengthen His flock. Francie
