Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trusting God

"The servant asked, 'But suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home?'" Abraham said, "God will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife." Genesis 24:5, 7 NLT

Abraham sent his loyal servant back to the land he had come from to find a wife for Isaac with the instructions to bring the woman back to Canaan to marry and live with Isaac in the land of promise. As he sent out his servant, Abraham stood firmly on two convictions. The first conviction was that God had called him and his descendants to live by faith in the land of promise. The second was that Isaac must not intermarry with the pagans that lived in the land at that time. The servant worried about his ability to be successful but Abraham who had now walked with God many years in faith assured the servant that God would give him success.

When we have an unmet need the temptation may be to waver in our faith and compromise the convictions that God has given to us. Abraham had certainly done this in the past (i.e. Hagar and Ishmael). However, when we obey God in faith and stand firm in His Word we can trust that He will provide for our needs and give us success in His will. Keep walking with Him in faith and enjoy His gracious and timely provision.

Father, You are faithful but sometimes I am faithless. Help me to stand firmly in the calling and convictions You have given me always trusting You to provide.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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