Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Matthew 3

"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance....But after me will come one who...will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." (3:8, 11)

To live close to God requires repentance. We cannot remain in sin and walk with Him. Genuine repentance from sin results in a change of life that is evidenced by the fruit of righteousness. But I cannot by my own desire and diligence produce the kind of lasting change that God requires. I need the Holy Spirit whom Christ has given me. He alone can effect real change from the inside out. By repentance I join in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to produce the change that God desires in my life.

Father, thank you for not leaving me to change myself from sin to godliness. Give me a heart that is responsive to the conviction of sin and that is yielded to the Holy Spirit's work of producing the fruit of righteousness in me.

1 comment:

  1. We have all heard the illustration that repentance is turning 90 degrees from that which is wrong to that which is right. I read the other day a definition of repentance that caused me to ponder. The author said, repentance is turning to the Light. That just seemed to resinate with me. Of course, if you turn toward the Light you have turned from that which is wrong. One action is discipline (stopping) based and the other action is love-based. Maybe that is what David’s secret was— he sought God with all his heart. A heart seeking God has less time and desire to engage in sin.
