Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Matthew 2

A star, prophets, dreams, and angels.

Through these God guided the Magi to the Christ and He guided Joseph and Mary in His will. God guides those who seek Him! He want us to know Him and His will even more than we want it. If we seek His presence He will guide us to Himself as He did the Magi. If we seek to do His will He will guide us in the way as He did Mary and Joseph. We have the distinct advantage of the written Scriptures as God's primary vehicle to serve as a light to our path.

Father, give me a heart that seeks you and is receptive to your Word of guidance so that I may live near you and may do your will always.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. From the genealogy of so many names to the naming of Jesus. Jesus is given the name that means Yah Saves or Salvation. There is more assurance that God is in control thru this chapter. Of all the questions Herod could have asked –why did he ask where THE CHRIST would be born? And why was all of Jerusalem troubled? After all they had been anticipating this day for centuries. But then again I am reminded that when Adam sinned, he was troubled and hid from God. Some are troubled and some worship. No less than three time in this passage warnings are given by God and His Angels for the protection of His Son. Another intriguing point is the Old Testament prophecies that are now being fulfilled and brought to our attention. I love the response of Joseph - he immediately obeyed and took action. And then there is a reminder that evil in the heart of man can do the unspeakable. My take away is that God wants to be involved in my life as much as I will let Him. WISE men still seek Him and worship Him.

  2. I was thinking along the same lines as Bill Shelnut -- why would all of Jerusalem be troubled that the King of the Jews was born? Because they did not respond properly (sin), death came upon their baby boys. Even in this story we see the wages of sin is death if we refuse the free gift of "the Lord saves," Jesus = salvation.
    Anne LeGare
