Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'" Matthew 19:26

After watching the rich young man walk away without Christ and hearing Christ's comments on salvation, the disciples asked, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus' answered that it is impossible for any person to be saved by his own doing but with God the glorious work of salvation (i.e. forgiveness, new life, citizenship in heaven) is possible in the life of any person. We have experienced salvation and have seen it occur in the lives of others but we may fail to realize that what seems like so simple a transaction on the outside is in fact an amazing, miraculous work of God.

Father, thank You for the miracle of salvation that you have worked in my life. Open my eyes to realize and rejoice in the wonder that every saved person is evidence that You are at mightily at work in the world.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Crowds, healing and Pharisees, these seem to be wherever Jesus is found. The crowds come for healing and to listen to the words that breath life; the Pharisees to lay another trap. “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason? Like most of Jesus’ answers, He goes to the root – God’s intent. Two become one and they are no longer two. How can they separate? Now, the trap is exposed. Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses permitted divorce. That was not God’s original plan. Only one exception was offered by Jesus for divorce—unfaithfulness. I have a feeling that even that does not align with God’s intent because two have still become one. When man divides one there are usually two messy parts. Those with hardened hearts seek a way out rather than a way to work it out. The disciples opt for not getting married and avoid the whole argument. Some have that calling, some do not. Children are now brought to Jesus to be blessed. The disciples rebuke those who brought them as a waste of the Master’s time. But, Jesus welcomes the children and blesses them. I guess the disciples were asleep during the last chapter’s teaching about the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. I wonder what would happen with us if we spent more time with children. Maybe we would see a little more of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Maybe in helping them see life we would see more of life through their eyes. We have so much we can teach them, but they have so much they can teach us also. Most children laugh 100 to 500 times a day; adults often less than 50. A little nap is a good thing. Quickly forgive and offer grace. Now, you write one…one lesion a child has taught you. If you can’t, I believe the church has a learning place open for adults to work with children. A rich young man now approaches Jesus. He has it all – money, youth, power, and even good intentions. After asking what he needed to do to get eternal life, Jesus directs him to the Commandments. It is interesting that Jesus refers to all 6 of the Commandments dealing with our relationship with each other. Only after Jesus tells him to sell all and give it to the poor does Jesus tell him to follow Him. Leaving all and following Jesus is the answer to the rich young man’s question. His problem is, like so many of us, he trusted in his richest and his own righteousness. His question in the beginning suggests that he knew that he lacked something but his departure in the end said he was not willing to change. Even if we don’t have great richest, we can still make the same mistake. To inherit eternal life is to follow Jesus so intently that all else seems given up.
