Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't Forget to Pray

"So the Israelite leaders examined their bread, but they did not consult the LORD."
Joshua 9:14 NLT

The Israelites had been instructed by the LORD to completely conquer all the inhabitants of Canaan (the Promised Land). They were to make no treaties and allow none of the inhabitants to remain so that their pagan religions would not become a snare to the Israelites. The Gibeonites outwitted the Israelites. They pretended to have journeyed from a far country by wearing worn out clothes and packing dried and moldy bread in their bags. They convinced the Israelites to enter into a treaty with them. The leaders examined the bread which seemed to indicate they had traveled from far away but they did not seek the Lord's guidance.

Things in this world are not always as they seem on the surface. Satan is the "father of lies" who master's in deception. He draws us away from the will of God in much the same way the Gibeonites drew Israel away from God's will. If we are to stand firm and not be "tricked" into sin we must keep ourselves in tune with God through prayer. Prayer is more than a religious duty. It is our spiritual lifeline. Through prayer we are able to see with spiritual eyes and so recognize the enemy's deceitful schemes. Don't forget to pray!

Father, I have too often relied on my own judgment and failed to consult with You. Help me to be mindful to pray and seek Your counsel through this day.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, Thank you for the remainder to pray. I know so many times I look at things from my emotions and fail to seek God's wisdom. I also desire to pray before I make decisions. Love in Christ Francie
