Thursday, May 6, 2010


"Well, I have come to you now," Balaam replied. "But can I say just anything? I must speak only what God puts in my mouth." Numbers 22:38

God made it abundantly clear that Balaam was only to speak the words that God directed him to say, but Balaam came close to getting killed in order to learn this lesson. When Balaam said, "I must speak only what God puts in my mouth," he was most certainly thinking "because I do not want God mad at me."

Yes, this is the chapter where the donkey talks to her master (Balaam). What's more amazing is that he answers her! They have this heart to heart moment that's presented as if it's completely normal (is anything too hard for God?). I'm sure that Balaam was much kinder to his donkey after that day and I doubt he could resist trying to get her to talk again (imagine him trying to convince his friends . . . ).

What are the words that God prompts you to speak? Perhaps His Spirit prompts you to tell your friends about your faith in Jesus, or you just can't hold back your words of praise in response to something God has done. You may be directed to pray for a specific person or event. Maybe you can think of other examples.

While Balaam obeyed after receiving a healthy dose of the "fear of God," I think our response can be tempered by the grace we've received from our faithful, loving Heavenly Father. My point though, is that God does want us to speak on His behalf and that there are "certain things" that we should be prepared to say when there is an opportunity to do so.

Which do you think is the bigger challenge: getting us to speak, or using a donkey?

Father, I know that You promise to help me with the words to say, and I ask You to help me to recognize the opportunities that You give me to speak and to act upon them.

May God bless your day!

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