Monday, April 27, 2009

Sowing the Gospel Seed

"At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers." Acts 14:1-2

As Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel many believed while others refused and even poisoned the minds of other people against it. When two people side by side hear the same word of God one may believe and live while another refuses and dies. We cannot determine the response of a person to the message but we can determine to be faithful in sharing it. We take responsibility to be faithful sowers of the seed and leave the result to the hearer and God. As we sow the seed of God's word some may fall fruitless on barren ground but if we do not sow the seed it will certainly bear no fruit. We must be willing to take the chance that some of our efforts will fall on barren ground in order that other seed may find ready and receptive hearts.

Father, help me to be a faithful sower of the Gospel seed without fear that some may not believe in order that those who are ready to believe may hear and live.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark


  1. Pastor Mark,
    Thanks again for the encouraging words. I know sometimes I get so discouraged when I see so many reject the message of Jesus Christ. But the scriptures reminds us that some of the seed will fall on fertile ground. So I pray that God through His Holy Spirit will give each of us His precious Children, the desire to be involved with the message of reconciliation: reconciling man unto God. Thank you for passion to share the Word of God to this concregation in Copperas Cove Tx. Love in Christ Francie

  2. ch14:19-20 Is a good reminder that as believers when we are obedient to GOD,we will be rejected by the world.And when the world stones one of our brothers(rejects or makes him become discouraged and hopeless)it is our calling as disciples of CHRIST to gather around our fallen brother.We are to help him get up and encourage him so he can return to his mission.Paul,maybe the greatest missionary ever,needed the help of fellow believers to help weather the storms of the world.So how much more do we need each other.

    Holy Father , I pray that,with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I can always recognize when a fellow believer has been beaten down by the
    world.And to also have the compassion to help that brother to his feet.To comfort,encourage and restore them to fellowship.All glory and honor to You Father.In CHRIST name. Amen
