Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Problem

Acts 15 presents two conflicts, each having the potential to harm relationships between God’s people. In one conflict, the relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers is at stake, and in the other, the relationship between Paul and Barnabas is tested.

The apostles and elders of the church met the first challenge in an orderly and careful manner. They were careful to encourage the Gentile believers, sending two men as representatives as well as a letter of instruction. As a result, the church continued to grow.

In Paul and Barnabas’ case, however, they were not able to come to a mutual solution to their disagreement, and as a result 4 missionaries went out instead of just 2—not necessarily a bad thing.

Nothing stops God. His plans forge ahead, prospering in situations which give men fits.

Father, I realize that we (the church) belong to You and that Your plans will be accomplished. Help me to sense your direction and follow You.

In praise,


1 comment:

  1. Hello Jim,
    It's amazing how God uses each of us to confirm things that He is saying personally to us. I was asking the Lord to help me to not be critical of my brothers and sisters in Christ, but instead help us all to pull together as we spread the word and love of God in this world. I beleive that is going to become increasingly hard and dangerous to share the gospel, so we must guickly be about our Father's business instead of cutting each other. Love in Christ Francie
