Wednesday, February 17, 2010

God's Sufficiency Vs. Our Deficiency

"But Moses pleaded with the LORD, 'O Lord, I'm just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now, even after you have spoken to me. I'm clumsy with words.' 'Who makes mouths?' the LORD asked him. 'Who makes people so they can speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now, go, and do as I have told you. I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say.'" Exodus 4:10-12 NLT

We probably thought all these excuses for not answering God's call were our own original creation but such excuses are as old as Moses. Moses was focused on his own deficiency and therefore he could make a clear case for why he was not the right man for the job. But God made an even better case for His own sufficiency and every one of Moses' deficiencies became irrelevant.

Success in the mission lies with God. Our job is simply to be available. In the light of His all-surpassing sufficiency our deficiencies become non-issues. He is more than able to do through us whatever He desires us to do. We must surrender our deficiencies to His sufficiency. Remember His words to Paul, "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." And make Paul's response your own: "So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me" (2 Cor. 12:9 NLT).

Father, help me to lift my eyes from my own deficiencies to gaze in faith on Your all-sufficiency. I offer myself to You today to do Your will. Work in Your power through my weakness for Your glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, I do indeed feel the inadequacy of being a friend and a servant of God. But, like Paul asking God to remove the thorn from him, and God answer was, "My grace is suffiencent because my strength is made perfect in your weakness". When I'm tempted to receive God's glory or rely on my natural abilities, my weaknesses(which are many) remind me that without Him I can do nothing. All glory, and honor goes to our awesome Heavenly Father. Love in Christ Francie-+
