Wednesday, February 3, 2010

God Can Use Me

"About this time, Judah left home and moved to Adullam, where he stayed with a man named Hirah." Genesis 38:1 NLT

Genesis 38 tells the sordid tale of Judah, his sons and his daughter-in-law Tamar. Why is this chapter even in the Bible? I can think of at least two reasons. One is that it is from Judah David and eventually Christ descend. So while the story of Genesis primarily focuses on Judah's brother Joseph, this chapter keeps us informed about the line of Judah. In the genealogy of Jesus we read "Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar)..." (Matthew 1:3 NLT). The second reason for this chapter is to remind us that God even uses less than holy people to accomplish His holy purpose. Grace is amazing and God is unstoppable!

What is it about your life story that might make you think that God could never use you? No matter what may be in your past God can and will use you today if you will commit your life past, present, and future into His gracious hands. Don't let Judah's story become an excuse for your sin. Let it be a challenge to commit your imperfect life to the perfect, powerful, and gracious God.

Father, my life is less than what You or I would desire it to be but I thank You for using less than perfect people to accomplish Your perfect plan. Take my life. Transform it and use it by Your grace for Your glory.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

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