Thursday, July 2, 2009

Godly Confrontation

For I wrote to you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you. -2 Corinthians 2:4

Paul had a deep affection for the Corinthian church. He loved them so much that he was unwilling to overlook their sinful, selfish ways. He lovingly confronted them about their immoral members and practices; calling them to exercise church discipline and pursue holiness. Even though confronting the church placed serious strain upon their relationship and even caused some to attack Paul’s credibility, Paul knew that it was what would be best for them. His actions showed that he was more concerned with their well-being that he was about being liked.

Like Paul we must be willing to confront those that we love. This boils down to the second greatest commandment, love your neighbor as yourself. If we aren’t willing to confront the ones we love about the sin in their lives it shows that we don’t truly love them.

What’s more compelling; your desire to be well-liked or your love for others?

Lord, help me to love others more than I love myself. Give me the courage to confront my brothers/sisters in Christ who aren’t following your ways. When I do confront them, help me to avoid the judgmental attitudes and passive-aggressive behavior that would hurt them, but fill me with compassion, love and grace so that they may be restored.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning,
    Again I thank God for the insight given on First Light. I felt the Lord burdening my heart about my actual physical neighbor whom I've known for many years and is now going through a crisis. Her crisis made me aware of the question, Do I worry about how she perceive me or about offering the message of Hope through Jesus Christ. Well, the answer is evident, her need for Christ far outweighs my selfish need to be thougt well of. Thanks for the encouragement to truly love another soul not with just words but with deeds. Love in Christ Francie
