Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Before and After

Ephesians 2:1-13 tells the story of who we were before we knew Christ and who we are now in Him.

Who We Were:

Dead in our transgressions and sins (v.1)
Subject to the cravings, desires and thoughts of our sinful nature (v.3)
Objects of wrath (v.3)
Separate from Christ (v.12)
Excluded from citizenship in Israel (v.12)
Foreigners to the covenants of promise (v.12)
Without Hope (v.12)
Without God (v.12)
Far Away (v.13)

An amazing transaction has taken place, and we are not subject to this way of living anymore.

Who We Are Now:

Alive with Christ (v.5)

Saved from sin (v.5)

Seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (v.6)

God's Workmanship (v.10)

Brought near to God (v.13)

This is grace - the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.

How sweet the sound.

Father I am in awe of your love. I enjoy a free life because of what Christ has done. I joyfully submit my life to you.

In Christ,



  1. Good Morning Matt,
    Thank you for your insight this morning. It is so needed to be reminded of God's amazing grace through His Son Christ Jesus. "For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." I pray that we all can share this Good News with the world, fearlessly and with great concern. Love in Christ Francie

  2. What I love about Paul's lists (before and after), is we get a structure for praising God. For instance:

    I praise you God, because I am alive with Christ and saved from sin.
    Thank you Jesus, that I am seated with you in the heavenly realms!

  3. Great praise technique Anne. I like doing this too.
