Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unexpected Opportunities

Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour. - John 4:6

Jesus was tired. He had a moment to himself because the disciples had gone to get food. This was his moment to relax, to disengage, to not be "on." As a stranger approached it would been completely acceptable for Jesus to sit silently. In fact her ethnicity made it taboo for Jesus to ask her for a drink. So why did he talk to her? Why not avoid the potentially awkward encounter?

Jesus did not allow his exhaustion, selfish desires, or social norms hijack the opportunity he had to tell of His Father's love. Like Jesus we need to fight the feelings of entitlement that would cause us to miss an opportunity to share Jesus with somebody. We need to put to rest our concerns about what other people might think and be ready for the opportunities God gives us to share Him with others.

Father, I know I miss opportunities to tell others about Jesus. Please help me to be more attentive to the people you introduce into my life. Lead me to live in a constant state of awareness so that when the time comes to share I will be ready.

By His grace,

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