Wednesday, August 4, 2010


. . . I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, . . . Philippians 1:25b

I like the way Paul has tied together two descriptive words—progress and joy—in this passage.

In any church, either of these outcomes—progress or joy—would be enough to encourage the pastor and his flock, but a wonderful thing about progress and joy is that we rarely experience one without the other. When a follower of Christ makes strides forward in obedience to God, the church family (and the believer) rejoices. When the church finds their joy in Jesus, believers advance in one or many aspects of their faith. For God’s people, growth brings gladness and gladness encourages growth.

Of course, it’s not really news that progress made results in positive attitudes which, in turn, encourage further progress. You don’t have to follow Christ to experience this phenomenon. But Paul specifies that the Christian’s progress and joy is “in the faith,” and that raises the experience far above even the best stuff of this life.

So, let’s continue to work together for each other’s progress and joy in the faith. Focus your efforts on remaining in the cycle of progress and joy. Encourage (and help) those who are struggling, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ, meet together one on one and in small and large groups, pray diligently for each other, read and study and memorize God’s Word; in short—stay close to God and to each other.

Lord, how great and marvelous are Your ways. Guide me by Your Holy Spirit to make steady progress in obeying, serving, and loving You. Thank you for the joy and peace I experience in following You. Bless our church with progress and joy in the faith as we continue together as one family in You.

God’s grace to you,

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