Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. 2 Corinthians 10:15b-16a

In the midst of dealing with a troubled church, Paul continued to see the opportunities which lay beyond the problems. His expectation was that the believers in Corinth would mature in their faith and this would lead to more opportunities for him to present Christ to others. He was the preeminent church planter—sharing his faith in new locations and moving on from there after the new church was sufficiently established.

As we pray for and respond to people to need to know about Jesus, consider this thought: the person that you witness to is the link to many others. In a sense, you are sharing Christ with more than one individual, and when God brings the first person into the kingdom, that opens the door to many more people.

So, continue to share Christ with the people God has placed in your life, and pray that their faith will continue to grow until they trust in Jesus. Pray that God’s work in their life (through you) will greatly expand, so that others can hear and respond to the gospel.

Father, thank you for hearing our prayer!

Have a blessed day,

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, Thank you for the encouraging word. I talk with one of the guys you prayed with on Sunset. He and his wife are now separated and he wasn't able to get visit with his children. I realize from the word this morning that when we witness to one we witness to a whole family. I pray that this young man will give his heart to Christ completely and thereby saving his children and wife also. Love in Christ Francie
