Monday, April 19, 2010

Divine Appointments

"The Holy Spirit said to Philip, 'Go over and walk along beside the carriage.'" Acts 8:28 NLT

Philip was led by the Holy Spirit to get close to the Ethiopian Eunuch's carriage. Once Philip was close he overheard the Ethiopian man reading Isaiah and this opened the door for a conversation which resulted in Philip leading the man to faith in Christ. It all started with Philip being sensitive and obedient to God's leadership.

If we desire to be used by God to help others know Christ, He will use us. If we pray for Him to lead us to people and opportunities to share the faith, He will lead us. Some of the seemingly smallest steps of obedience to God's voice may be the very thing that puts us in position to participate in a divine appointment. A divine appointment is a meeting engineered by God between a willing witness and a seeker.

Prepare yourself to be used by God through walking in daily fellowship with Him. Pray for divine appointments and the ability to recognize them when they come. Be sensitive and obedient to God's leadership in your life and you may be surprised to see how God uses you.

Father, lead me and use me to help others know Jesus. Help me to have a responsive heart, listening ears, and open eyes today.

I'm praying for you.
Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, Thank you for the example you set for us in your own life. I pray with you also that all of the believers all over the world will see hungry people needing a Saviour. Jesus said that was His whole purpose, was to reconcile mankind unto God. We are just pilgrims passing through so may we all share Jesus Christ with others while we are on this brief journey. Love in Christ Francie
