Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holy to the Lord

Next make a medallion of pure gold, and engrave it like a seal with these words: Holy to the Lord. Attach the medallion with a blue cord to the front of Aaron’s turban, where it must remain." Exodus 28:36-37 NLT

As the priest who came into the presence of God on behalf of the people, Aaron was to wear on his turban the reminder that he was set apart to be "holy to the LORD." Holiness is required in the life of one who approaches a holy God. All the requirements for the tabernacle and priesthood given in Exodus were given to remind the Israelites of what an awesome thing it is to approach God. God is not to be approached casually or flippantly.

The apostle Peter reminds us that there is now in this New Testament era a new tabernacle and a new priesthood. "And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God" (1 Peter 2:5 NLT). We are now priests. We have both the privilege and responsibility to approach and serve God. He is still holy and our approach to Him requires us to seek holiness in our own lives. The good news is that God not only requires holiness but He provides holiness through the blood of Christ as we confess our sins to Him. As the Old Testament priest approached God with the sacrifice of a lamb we approach God through the sacrifice of THE LAMB, Jesus Christ.

Father, apart from Your grace I could never be holy. I thank you that you provide the holiness which you require. May I never be flippant about my sin but always coming to You with humble dependence on the sacrifice of your Lamb, my Savior, Jesus Christ. Forgive me now for any sin in my life and enable me to walk before You in holiness today.

I'm praying for you.

Pastor Mark

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Pastor Mark, This morning while I was out for a walk, I begin to think about a lesson I had heard in the Beth Moore series, " The one and only". I thought that one of the lessons was so appropriate for "someone else". Then the Holy Spirit reminded that I must always take the Word and apply it to my life and allow Him to correct my flaws and not look at another. Then this mornings "First Light" confirmed what God is saying to me. Thank you for being God's servant and willing to correct, rebuke and encourage us in His Word. God Bless you and your Family Francie
